Feb 2021: 3 new centers , 13 goats regifted and 6 beneficiaries graduated

On 15th February 2021, it was a celebration in Kigunda center in Namutumba district as we graduated 6 beneficiaries who qualified. In 2 years and 8 months, the ladies had each grown their initial seed single goats to herds of 7+ goats. They had earlier each re-gifted two goats to others in their community and now remained with 5 or more goats. It was wonderful moving from homestead to homestead to see their herds of goats and officially hand the goats to them. 3 of them said they planned to keep growing their goat herds till they would reach numbers that they will sell, buy iron sheets and build permanent brick houses. Most houses in this community are grass thatched huts which are prone to catching fire especially during dry seasons and also they easily get destroyed by termites. Other graduated beneficiaries said they planned to buy cows from sales of their goats. One widow said she was now sure that she would be able able to educate her grandchild to university since she had goats that she will be selling to get the necessary fees.

On 16th February, we opened two new Legacy centers, donated by a family in memory of their recently departed family member, Christ Irvine. On 17th, we visited Nambale center where beneficiaries re-gifted 8 goats and the following day, we opened a 3rd center in Bulunga, in Kamuli district.

NOW AT: 71 centers; 1,090 beneficiaries, 116 graduated!

Odoi Peter