About Us
A non-profit organization working to empower the women of Uganda.
1,734 Beneficiaries at 97 Centers/ communities!! (October 2024)
Ugandan women are at a disadvantage relative to men -- especially women who are poor, illiterate, widowed, and/or live in rural areas. Women generally own nothing, despite contributing over 70% of the labor force that produces family wealth. As an example, women are not allowed to inherit property or assets if the husband should die. Upon death of her husband, the marital assets are given to the husband's family. This situation perpetuates poverty and traps women in a state of dependence on the men around them, even when it’s unsafe. Giving goats to women specifically empowers them and allows them to take charge of their lives. The benefits from the goat program improve the general well-being of her family while also reducing poverty at a local level.
Pastor Peter Odoi and his wife Allen had long sought a way to improve the quality of life for vulnerable women in Uganda, particularly rural villages where he carried out most of his ministry. Earlier in his career, Peter had been Project Coordinator of a socio-economic recovery program in northern Uganda, funded by Geneva Global, which engaged in resettling people who had been internally displaced by the Joseph Kony insurgency. As part of this program, Peter had given goats to many families and thus learned firsthand the potential of goat rearing to create household wealth for poor families.
In 2011, Peter and Allen were assisted with help from volunteers in the UK. Linda Robinson, an invaluable early contributor, arrived in Uganda from the UK and immediately wanted to help in a sustainable fashion. Working together, they decided to establish a self-sustaining economic assistance program through giving and raising goats. In October 2011 Linda bought 6 goats and gave them to women in Katukuru, Mbarara district, as a pilot arrangement. In January 2013, after further research on the viability of the project, developing policies, etc, the Goat Project was formally born and Katukuru in Mbarara district became the location of the first center.
In January 2016, Peter became Executive Director of the project. In Uganda, the project was registered as a company limited by guarantee under Give a Goat Ltd. He now serves as Executive Director working with the rest of the Board members and volunteers.
In the USA, Tobi Moriarty, Director of GOAT PROJECT, a USA 501c3 non-profit organization, began working with the project in September 2017 and is an active member spearheading fundraising, website management, and program growth. Tobi has since traveled to Uganda several times to assist in opening dozens of new centers. Under the partnership of of Give a Goat and GOAT PROJECT, the program has grown from 11 centers to 93 centers.
The ultimate goal of The Goat Project Uganda is to open 200 centers throughout rural Uganda. As of October 2024, we have opened 97 centers/communities in 23 districts in all 4 regions of Uganda! Using the law of exponential growth, the number of beneficiaries will double every 2 years. Our aim is to provide for an eventual 10,000 beneficiaries by the end of 2027.
Allen Odoi and Tobi Moriarty giving out goats in January 2018