Success Story - Olivia Ahikire
Olivia, her grandchildren, and the new house
Olivia Ahikire is a 50-year-old widow and grandmother. In January 2013, Oliva received a goat and was elected by her fellow beneficiaries as chairperson of her group in the Katukkuru center in the Mbarara district. She carefully and dutifully looked after her goat, and when her goat had its first kid, she returned the offspring to be given to another woman. The woman who received that offspring has since also given the offspring of her goat to another woman. By November 2015, her herd of goats had grown to ten and she was officially released from the program.
When Olivia was brought into the program in 2013, she was living with her three grandchildren in a small house that simply did not have enough room. After being released from the program, she was able to construct a two-roomed house by selling twelve of her fifteen goats. One of the rooms serves as a play and study room for her grandchildren and the other is for guests. The three goats remaining continue to grow and return offspring to allow for a steady income.
Despite being released from the program in 2015, Olivia remains in the group of beneficiaries, who now number over 60. She views the group as a family and desires not to leave them just yet. The group seems to feel the same way, as they have kept her as chairperson so she can continue inspiring the other women with her success story and help them with her experience and knowledge.
Olivia's grandchildren in their new play and study room